Friday, July 23, 2010

22 July 2010

this is what happens when we are stress after doing whole day of project...

love this to the max!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy 3rd Monthsary!!♥♥♥

Hello readers!
Finally I finished uploading the photos! Stupid blogger!! I couldnt move the picture in the centre and enlarge it...then i had another is not to use internet explorer and use firefox instead and it DIDNT WORK as well because i couldnt ENTER to leave one line spacing! In the end, i had to make use of both Internet and Firefox together to make this post possible! So readers, please support me by clicking my ads ok?? :D
Happy 3rd Monthsary!!!♥
Baby come and pick me up at my house and go over Kovan. Baby says he is going to treat me to something :) clap hands* So he brought me to this Baba Nonya restaurant that sells nice food...but i had eaten something earlier so Baby ordered desserts for us~! :)))
I love this photo~!♥
Baby with his cute yellow num bag :)
Baby looked serious...but i LIKE!
hehe...silly Baby
Baby is looking at our couple rings that i just collected from Bishan!
I know you guys are waiting for this moment......and.......

TADA~! SO CHIO right???

Happy me~!! :D

Baby's favourite DURIAN ice kachang♥

and normal ice kachang for me :)

Baby loves it!

let's take another look at the rings...
still very CHIO :D *i love blings*
After eating, we head to Baby's house...his younger brother and elder sis who is my schoolmate are all around in the house :) I'll be staying at Baby's house for a night~! HEHE maybe experience to be a part of the family and most importantly, it is to celebrate our 3rd monthsary together! :)
vanity in private!
took a photo after our bath! nice nice smell~ (I look really short beside my 1.85m Baby) oops! Baby cheated coz he tip toe
my Baby so cute!♥
Finally, we carry out our ring exchange ceremony >.< awww....Im engaged!
after that, Baby went away for quite a while...i thought what happened to him...and i saw....
Baby washing clothes in the toilet on first floor!! OMG....he is such a great guy....he also help the family to sweep floor mop floor fold clothes etc...where to find such a lovely guy like Baby?? I think i got one alr!:D
I promise to help Baby to do house chores once we are married*pinky promise
time for qiang(Baby's brother)to do his homework...naughty me go disturb him by sneak snapping him :p 
this is so funny!! LOL (Baby's bed)
oooh...qiang is shy...
I realised qiang is also another lame joker...full of rubbish too
finally it's the couple's turn to camwhore!
Awww...Baby is tired zzZ
trying to act like batman....kawaii neh~!
 Thank you for being there for me always and taking great care of me for these 6 months I have know you...I really appreciate everything you have done for me...Thank you so much for making staying over your house possible :) I really love the warmth in your arms when u hug me to sleep

PS: I Love You

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Couple Rings!♥

Sorry readers!
I know i've neglected my blog for a im here for a mini update! Ytd Baby got couple rings for us and I am really really VERY HAPPY :DDD I LOVE MY BABY♥♥♥ I'll reveal the rings on our 3rd monthsary celebration on this friday :) So stay tune!

Baby brought me to AMK Popeye for dinner and then we went to catch 'Despicable me"~!

This was taken ytd at J8 food junction for dinnerwith Baby and i met Winson too! HEHE
I love the lace black top im wearing ttm!!♥♥♥ It's from myrosebullet!!
That's all for the mini update! :)