Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hi readers,

today is my happy day:) firstly, it's because everything went very smoothly for my work since trainer praised me in front of other colleages ^^ so happy...actually i really don't like my trainer...over the last weekend, i tot of handing in my resignation letter...but the thing is...i've to pay $480 as compensation. then today my leader asked me to go inside the meeting room with the rest...i tot what happened...then she told me she had to find someone to replace me coz i couldnt work till end Aug (due to uni entry). I was so happy when i hear that...that means...
I can save $480!!!
HAHAHA....i somehow feel that there's someone out there helping me whenever i faced any trouble in life...
I feel LOVED!
lastly, i wanna thank all my friends(Joshua, Jian Teng,May May,Caler Lim,Shun Hiang& lastly my baby DJ^^) who care for me when i was having fever last fri and sat :)

See you soon!

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