Monday, January 25, 2010

22 Jan
went to mom's work place to work till 1am coz some bloody idiots drink until they drop dead and we cant close the shop.
23 Jan
went to east coast park to attend a cheer leading session for the upcoming malaysia trip for rally...few hundreds of people attended it...was quite fun...after that, me and my ex-colleages went to arcade and bowling...
after playing, we all head down to far east plaza to do some shopping...i got myself a new pair of Charles&Keith shoes!! it costs $53.90 and Baby bought a very cute t-shirt for me and he got the same shirt as me for couple wear...
at night, we head down to Jacinda's birthday celebration at costa sand chalet...
quarrelled with Baby and cried so much...but he just sit and stare at me. I asked myself  "Isit worth crying over him?"
after that we head down to amk for KTV session with ah wei they all
tiring day for me ~
24 Jan
I started work...but didnt like the atmoshpere
25 Jan
Another boring working day...came back home and read his blog....and another hurtful moment for me again

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