Friday, October 23, 2009

Pre-A exam & graduation day

finally im back to update my bloggy...sorry i was away for my pre-A examination from 12/10-21/10
just ended on wed...and today is my
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but im not in the bit to celebrate ;( brought my cam to sch but seems redundant....i think my day started badly in the first place...i woke up late today morning and had to hail a taxi...the taxi driver brought me to NYJC instead coz my sch is around there and both are JCs and our uniform looks the same! the fare add up to $10+++....but i only have $10 with me! then i tell the uncle i cant pay him...the uncle just take $9 from me and im left with pathetic $1! but at least he didnt take all $10 away from me :)))
and then there was the graduation ceremony...i was pissed off by some face alr turned black liao and YS and GG was like telling me my hair was badly damaged and xxx...i just ignore them...i'll show them my nice hair next yr! and keep their mouth shut! i wanted to take photos but i look around me, there wasn't anyone who im close with and no one i want to take photo with! sianzzz...i just sit down there folding my arms and doze off with my eyes open ;) gd trick huh? and then there was this throwing 'fish tank pebble' into the sch fountain for luck in i think people just love doing stupid things right?
lastly,we had refreshments. it was pathetic.and i paid $25 for it? =.= i was still quite mad at some ppl...and then i decide to head home straight after eating. zzZ sleeping time!

tell me how to forgive and forget after the second time this had happened? let voices in me to tell me what to do...but i aint got any time left...17 moredays to go...everyday is a battlefield for me
luckily i got my dear who is there for me everytime...i truly dearly appreciate his sure people around me knows how deeply in love we are...and no further elaboration is needed...he always believe in me that i can do well and excel in everything i do. he is my only support. of coz i have my bff too :) many people mistook  me as ITE or POLY student at first look...and me being a JC student is like a shock to them :D haha I'm gonna prove them wrong and shock them to a larger extent by going to local govt funded university and that is my dream...
EVERYONE out there,do wish me all the luck and pray hard for me alright? I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

PS: glad to meet augumon today...will never forget this very day ^^

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