Sunday, October 4, 2009

birthday and romance♥♥

today i company my bf for the whole day...woke up at 8am bath dress up nicely with my make-up on...i tried on my fake eyelashes because i finally buy the glue that will stick that thing to my eyelash...looking good really makes me happy:) (at least for a day) dear brought me to this place duno call wad...den we sing b'day song for eloise and sherren inside Mac...

the 2 october birthday girls:) shereen and elovis

duno what's dear doing....

spot huijun's hair! LOL

..after that, my dear gave me a surprise by bringing me to ASTONS at suntec for lunch...hehe it was really a romantic place for me n dear....i love you dear

check out my fake eye lashes! they are super chio

dear's medium raw beef steak with pasta salad n baked potato

mine teriyaki chicken with onion rings and coleslaw :)

we head to carrefour to get dear's stuff and i bought 3 cute underwears at a small stall outside carrefour :) funny right?? i guess today is really a great day for the saying goes "there'll always be rainbow after rain" it's true indeed...

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