Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bad day :(

Part 1
today i had a bad cramp as i always did every month :( STUPID menstrual! i really cant take it...i took penadol from marilyn but i dont know how to swallow...quite embarrassing for an old person like me lol but no choice i just gulp half of a tablet down...the other half went into dustbin :P as usual
Part 2
today Mr Douglas Foo,the boss of SAKAE SUSHI come to my school for a talk...i thought he was some serious businessman that talks my amaze, i think i really start to love him already..he was so charismatic and his actions are very funny...i think i really must learn from him how to save money :(
Dear I Miss U So's been days since i spent more than 30 minutes with u..hope time will pass quickly and stops my heart from yearning for your love

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