Wednesday, September 30, 2009

mooncake festival

dear brought me to watch the ugly truth at amk hub after sch ends. this movie is really very funny and romantic as well :) love my dear lotsafter the movie, my dear ride me to my sister's pri sch to watch her chinese dance performance for lantern's been so long since i went to a pri sch...miss those young days...haha 

the performance :) lol...the costumes are so colourful ^^

my pri sch has this also!

Friday, September 25, 2009

this is our only kiss shot...i guess i really miss your kiss and hugs...been thinking of you when i'm in school..hope your work end you baby♥♥

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm tired.don't wish to care about you anymore.always thinking about yourself only.have you ever spare a thought for me?Emo-ing now

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bad day :(

Part 1
today i had a bad cramp as i always did every month :( STUPID menstrual! i really cant take it...i took penadol from marilyn but i dont know how to swallow...quite embarrassing for an old person like me lol but no choice i just gulp half of a tablet down...the other half went into dustbin :P as usual
Part 2
today Mr Douglas Foo,the boss of SAKAE SUSHI come to my school for a talk...i thought he was some serious businessman that talks my amaze, i think i really start to love him already..he was so charismatic and his actions are very funny...i think i really must learn from him how to save money :(
Dear I Miss U So's been days since i spent more than 30 minutes with u..hope time will pass quickly and stops my heart from yearning for your love

Monday, September 21, 2009

i've been just told that im the one who owns the sexy Alyshea grey corsette dress that i've been pending for! YES! im so so happy today

My cert!!!

after so long since i performed at the AYG Opening Ceremony 29 June this year, they finally send us certificates to recognise our achievements...I am so proud of myself ! i keep looking at it when im in school :D finally got something presentable to show to people ;)

this is my big envelope :)

this cert is given by Ministry of Education

and this cert is given by Olympic Council of Asia!

im so so happy ^.^
you all must congratulate me wor...hehe

Sunday, September 20, 2009

im hurt again. now lying on my bed with my tears flowing and washing all my perfect mascara away. checking my phone every second only leads to more pain and sadness. i finally understood how u feel towards me. i guess i cant go on with you anymore. goodbye 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

new LOVE♥♥♥

this piece is totally gorgeous!!! super chio!
too bad it's sold out :( i still haven heard anything from the blogshop owner yet..coz im actually pending for it

for more of their collection,pls click the link below

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Outing with family and bf♥

Dear and i went to Marina Square for window shopping after church :)

just some random cam whoring :D

since it's the september holidays,my mom decided to take half day off to bring the kids out for a swim at Bishan swimming complex!it's really been a long long time since i jump into a pool...dats why i drag my baby along with me!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Boyfriend's birthday and shopping!!

It's my dear's 19th birthday and i borught him to pizza hut for his meal ;)
see? my dear is so excited upon receiving his b'day present!
my babyboy making his wish:) i got him the cake!
this is soo cute! dear sudddenly want to get these Mr.Miss i got myself 2 also! :D
cam whoring time!!!

This is super gorgeous!!! been wanting a barbie doll heels but cant find a nice and comfortable one...thanks to dear for getting me this pair of lovely shoes from ZARA!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Results ;(

I just received my prelim results today...i did badly for my H2 economics but did fairly well for my GP...sobs and cheers to the news !
hmm...nothing happen much today...i just feel like going home and sleep and forget all my troubles
i thought of getting fbt shorts for my sister for her bday present so i went to tpy...i ask my boyfriend to bring me there on his bicycle instead of motorbike...
i went to the shop but the uncle say "no stock" wth lah...i sit on the bicycle till my ass pain then he tell me got no stock..tsk!
but most importantly i got a dear who is so patient towards me...he will always be waiting for me outside the shop when i was viewing the items inside...i asked him to come inside with me but he said he don't mind waiting for me
im really fortunate to have him :)
we also went to the park opp tpy KFC there for a chat...that place brings me the memories of me and my dear will always be there to listen to my story...
i feel much better sharing with you about our relationship at the park:)
Dear thank you for eveything...looking forward towards our 26th monthsary and your 19th BIRTHDAY!
will love you forever♥