Friday, July 10, 2009

Outing + Pervert!!

today i went to THE CATHAY to watch Ice Age was really guys should catch it!

surprisingly, i met Jennifer inside the same so funny lah...should snap a photo of her face at tt moment :P

i met a pervert on the way to sch bloody guy took my photos...but i didnt confront him coz there're no one ard...i scare he do smth to me :'(

and today when i went out with my bf(was holding onto him all the time), i realised this guy keep staring at me though i was fully covered

i kept walking fast ahead of him....den his friends said loudly " she got a boyfriend still like that....later her bf come and beat u up...."

i was super pissed off....

this adds on to one of my HATES!

wad an unpleasant week

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