Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ikea Trip! ♥

Bleah :P IT'S IKEA TRIP!!! 
Decided to update because I took some pictures and my photographer edit them using just iphone! I learnt alot about editing and some of the photos are actually edited by me! hehe 
 This photo is taken by myself....with natural sunlight
 Mr Ryan edit for me! It's very nice

I look like a little girl here :)
 This is shot and edit by me!! =D 
 This is shot and edited by him :) so sweet looking! my new chanel iphone cover and my lovely nails! 
My favourite chicken wings!! steal photo from
 Done by him :)
 This is obviously done by me! hehe swee hor? 
Lastly, a group photo! none edit! He's a piggy and I'm a bunny! He's damn funny lah! But his photography work is really guys should check his work out! He's Ryan Cheng btw :) And to tell you a secret...he's my ex-neighbour and he watched me from young! so qiao loh! That's why we can hang out like we know each other for very long...yup till me meet again!


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