Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meeting at MBS Residences! ♥

 went to Vivo to get a pair of nice shades as the sun is glazing HOT! I choose this pair...nice? hehe
I love this as well!
 after that, I head down to MBS residences for a meeting... I love the lighting though :)
hehe...thanks for the gift ♥ :) 
a pool of young foreign talents...and I'm proud to be one of the 3 Asians involved & 2 are girls!!
view from the balcony! the building opposite is so near me!!!
super nice view! 
the other corner of the balcony :)
I hope I get to live in such a nice place! but dream on loh...lol I had an awesome day and I can't wait to see all of our efforts put in place on that actual day! CHEERS! =D


Monday, May 21, 2012

Chillout at V Hotel! ♥

 my access to a nice chillout! :D
 I love the room 
 Nice interior design :)
as usual...non stop camwhore session! hehe =D
 love my legs in this photo! looks slim...haha 
 yea I know...inside bathroom also must take photo right?
I love the sky! Really brightens me up for the day :))) Thanks for the bonus hotel stay! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ikea Trip! ♥

Bleah :P IT'S IKEA TRIP!!! 
Decided to update because I took some pictures and my photographer edit them using just iphone! I learnt alot about editing and some of the photos are actually edited by me! hehe 
 This photo is taken by myself....with natural sunlight
 Mr Ryan edit for me! It's very nice

I look like a little girl here :)
 This is shot and edit by me!! =D 
 This is shot and edited by him :) so sweet looking! my new chanel iphone cover and my lovely nails! 
My favourite chicken wings!! steal photo from him...lol
 Done by him :)
 This is obviously done by me! hehe swee hor? 
Lastly, a group photo! none edit! He's a piggy and I'm a bunny! He's damn funny lah! But his photography work is really good...you guys should check his work out! He's Ryan Cheng btw :) And to tell you a secret...he's my ex-neighbour and he watched me from young! so qiao loh! That's why we can hang out like we know each other for very long...yup till me meet again!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Filming-FIRST XI !!

First of all, I want to thank everyone for your patience during these time while I was away stopping blogging for a while...I was going through a hard time in my relationship problems and I was emotionally unstable and suicidal....In fact, I want to thank the people who are by my side closely to help me up on my feet again :) 

It's my first time to be on video camera and it'll be on TV! OMG! This is madness!! I know it's only a super small role but still....I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED! It was telecast yesterday 2nd May, 8PM on CHANNEL 5 :) I'm so happy that my family, friends and fans of mine were supportive of me and some of you keep telling me you saw me in the trailer for the episode! haha Thanks so much for the lookout =D
This link below is the trailer for the episode I'm in :D Check it okie? ;) And of coz the photos upload!!
Gurmit is the host for the show :)
Me  & the Girls! :)
Me & Kim Bao....I know I'm gonna get killed by his fans haha
Me and Apple! :)
I feel like we are doing a facial wash or beauty product advertisement...LOL
at the other side of Tanjong Beach Club (TBC)
Me and sweetie Mayne! we are M&M team! 
Food and drinks sponsored by TBC! hehe Thanks Julian!
Me and Haziq! 
my favourite Alang! he's so funny!
and of coz the hot hunk Kim Bao ;)
If you wanna ask me about him, I would say he is a very serious person. He take it hard on himself if he does not perform well. I admire his seriousness towards something that he is passionate about.
 For those who keep asking me about this...YES he is a mixed! His mom is swedish and dad belongs to the last royal blood of the Vietnamese Royal family...so in a sense, Kim Bao is the last in the royal blood line. We are good friends now, nothing more...so pls stop asking about me AND him tgt. Well, I had a great time working with the First-XI guys! and hope to meet up with them soon :)

Click below to watch the episode! :D
