Tuesday, January 18, 2011

9th Monthsary !♥♥♥

We celebrated our 9th Monthsary todayy! I really look forward to our anniversary which is 3 months later :D sorry readers...I know my blog is mostly regarding my Baby and I :) but nothing makes me feel happier than being with him...hehe I am a happy girl ;)
 here we are at a restaurant nearby baby's house for a feast! Did u guys notice that I changed my contact lens? and my new beloved Tiffany&co necklace? It's a Christmas present from my beloved people :)
Credit goes to: BABY♥, Felicia babe, Xiang Wei, Shun Hiang, my sis & my aunt :)

 It was a sunday and there are so many people there waiting for their food to be served...but our dishes came faster than others coz i think....and i really think that one of the head chief shown interest in me...haha it's just a wild guess...but hopefully it's not the case 
 salted vegetable toufu soup :)
 my favourite hot plate toufu!!!
 lastly, BUTTER CRABS!!!
3 crabs for only $15! so worth it can! Baby suck and lick all the crispy and saltish butter on the crab...hehe so try it! it's finger licking good ;)


Christmas 2010!

Hello people!! I'm finally back to update my bloggy...seems like it's gonna rot soon if I never update. Basically, I've been out there earning money for the past 2 months and hence got nothing interesting things to share with you guys...

Now it's finally 2011!!! Time really flies....and I'm gonna be 21 this year~! Oh my freaking god! Okie...So how's your christmas and new year celebration?? Did u guys had a great time? I know you guys are not interested in my blah blah blah...so enjoy the photos yea? ;)
I spent Christmas eve with my most beloved Baby! Baby went to pick me up at my house and we had lunch at Bishan Mos Burger :)

yummy yummy foooood!
see how happy my Baby is :)


then we head to Orchard Central for chocolate fondue!! I booked a table the day before :) this set of fondue actually costs only $10 ! (exc GST & service charge) but it's still CHEAP! here is the place
Orchard Central
#02-31/32, S238896
*you need the coupon to be entitled to this promotion
we ordered macaroons too! yummy! I order the peach one :)
after eating, we head back to Baby's house for christmas dinner :) and then Baby's dad drive us and family to Orchard Road for the countdown!
haha Baby's daddy got sprayed all over ;)
Baby is sooooooo cute! Love you forever my little boy~!