Monday, August 2, 2010

Rock climbing outing!

Today I meeting Baby to go rock climbing! Not me of course...i have height phobia...Camwhoring while waiting for Baby at mrt :)
me and Baby♥ sweet as ever
I feel so loved♥♥♥
just wanna love you Baby♥
ice cream waffle! i love waffle while Baby loves ice cream...great combination isnt it?? we waited for Baby's brother and parents to join us b4 Baby and his bro can climb the wall....
I was so shocked when Baby's nai nai, shen shen and cousin came along too! But it was a great pleasure meeting his nai nai :)
they were looking at this 'superman' who is reading the marriage t&c and singing a love song infront of funny can....LOL :D Congrats to him coz he is getting married on National  Day!!
in the end, they approached our table and ask what we want him to do for us...Baby's daddy just declined his favour in polite....HAHAHA and then Baby's shen shen told me that she actually want him to wear red traingle ourside his pants...HAHA what an interesting family Baby has!
I did him a favour by taking a photo with him :D HAHA this is smth i cannot missed! I really enjoyed myself today! Maybe next time i can ask Baby to do the same thing as him when we get married! HAHAHA


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