Friday, August 20, 2010

Gungho Korean BBQ!!

Our class came up with the idea of eating korean cuisine :))) it's somewhere near my school SIM...but if u want to know the exact address, pls e-mail me or otherwise...we had a total of 26 side dishes!! plus steamboat with ingredients alr inside it! PLUS korean BBQ!!! totally love the food!!!♥♥♥
and then we went to this ice-cream stall where the ice-creams have alcoholic level :))) damn nice lor...I will sure go back there again!!! today is a yummy good food day! :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy 4th monthsary!♥♥♥

Yeah~! Finally we turned 4 months old!!♥♥♥ I know we still have a long way to go...but dont worry :) Im sure we can be together for very very long...Baby brought me to his house coz he wanted to cook a dish for me :) so sweet of my Baby~ He's only 16!! Cant believe it yourself right? HEHE
Baby bought for me HK OPI collection which I have been eyeing on for VERY long :))) Thank you Baby
Dearest Baby
Thank you for being so patient towards me and for showing me tons of love and concern♥♥♥
I dont know what to say....I only know I LOVE YOU super super deep...Thanks for being my love

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Outing with Baby's friends!!

I went to Baby's house...then his parents want us to join his nai nai for we went over and eat bak ku teh :))) hehe yummy yummy :) after that we rushed to chomp chomp to meet his friends...we had dessert bowl and then we went over ast lennard's house and ton over night:)) so cool...... 

Monday, August 9, 2010

National Day 2010!!♥♥♥


I think everyone has their special plans on this very exciting day :) But for me, this year is abit special :) because......I went to work at games stall for the National Day event at Eunos!! HAHA I EVENTS!!!
I brought my Baby along with me to work for money and at the same time enjoy ourselves :D Baby ate 11 FREE ice-cream that day...and eventually had a stomachache...which i warned him previously...Okie! enough of talking...let's check out the exciting event!!!
We were so lucky when we came to Bishan NDP celebrations!! because there's one photographer who helped us took photos with his super ex cam...i felt like some superstar though...HEHE

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Updating soon!

Sorry readers once again for late update :(
I just torn over Lennard's house(Baby's friend) and we played games till the sun rise again...i brought my books to study as well coz Baby will not entertain me while he's playing dota with his friends.
Before that, Baby brought me to his nai nai's house for dinner :))) family and friend's outings with Baby :D today is also the second time i played pool with Baby :) Second time playing pool and im really getting better at it! That's an achievement :)) Going to work at mom's workplace later and tmr National Day event at Eunos...the pay quite good though ;)

will update photos soon...stay tune k? :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"There is only one person in this world that I hope he dont exist
But he is still around...
and I bloody hell need to tolerate his hell for these freaking years
I believe that day will come soon
I'll only be happy and reborn again when he is gone forever"

RIP to you soon...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rock climbing outing!

Today I meeting Baby to go rock climbing! Not me of course...i have height phobia...Camwhoring while waiting for Baby at mrt :)
me and Baby♥ sweet as ever
I feel so loved♥♥♥
just wanna love you Baby♥
ice cream waffle! i love waffle while Baby loves ice cream...great combination isnt it?? we waited for Baby's brother and parents to join us b4 Baby and his bro can climb the wall....
I was so shocked when Baby's nai nai, shen shen and cousin came along too! But it was a great pleasure meeting his nai nai :)
they were looking at this 'superman' who is reading the marriage t&c and singing a love song infront of funny can....LOL :D Congrats to him coz he is getting married on National  Day!!
in the end, they approached our table and ask what we want him to do for us...Baby's daddy just declined his favour in polite....HAHAHA and then Baby's shen shen told me that she actually want him to wear red traingle ourside his pants...HAHA what an interesting family Baby has!
I did him a favour by taking a photo with him :D HAHA this is smth i cannot missed! I really enjoyed myself today! Maybe next time i can ask Baby to do the same thing as him when we get married! HAHAHA
