Friday, October 15, 2010

Bash Party at Zouk!♥♥♥

This is my first time at Zouk and I want to go there again!! lol...nothing much but enjoy the photos♥
 fav photo of the night with Amanda!♥♥♥
 me and Salvana :)
 dear Dorothy and me!
 Dorothy with WeiMei :)
Me, my vodka and Dorothy!
 the class A girls~
 me and low siyi
 the happy go lucky girl yunting with me!
 shashi...the most handsome indian guy i've ever met~! meet him to believe it!

 more girls from class B~

I totally enjoyed myself other than some people who spoiled the party by going somewhere else...but other than that, the PARTY ROCKS!!


Dinner at Tampiness Safra!♥♥

Baby's family decided to go to Sakura at Tampiness Safra to have dinner and I tagg along :) It's been so many years since i stepped in Sakura...LOL the food is average i must say...only some are nice...
 Baby enjoying his toriyaki!♥
 yeah~! DURIAN!!

 Baby is always so also wanna play =.=

 the monster!
 last dish of the day...fruit salad!

In the end, the whole family and Me were so engrossed in this machine playing photo hunt :D hahaha aunty and uncle also joined the game till our credits were all used up...highest level is 28...try to beat that k? LOL


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Late Update!

Hello readers! I know i abandoned my blog for quite some time...well, im gonna blog about dinner with Baby's family at Tampiness Safara and Bash at Zouk and outing with Baby etc...
So stay tune ;) I'll be back with more exciting updates!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Uncle's Wedding!♥

My stunning uncle with his newly wed wife!
my parents drinking tea from the couple
my mom's elder brother
my cute AH GONG!!! LOVE HIM THE MOST ♥♥♥
 I forgot to bring my contact lens and so I tried my first FreshLook from Malaysia
 I love the floating balloons!! This is where my Uncle's wedding dinner is held :)
 Me and my aunt who is older than me by 2 years only! She is alr married with a 2 yr old son
My younger sister and my second youngest aunt who is 4 yrs older than me
 my friend who came all the way from Ipoh

 Lovely fresh flower brooch!
Lastly, we end off with a yum seng on the stage! :) I really love spending time with my family! 
That's all for my Malaysia trip!
