Monday, September 20, 2010

Dating on a FRIDAY!♥♥♥

YAY! ^^ Finally it's friday!! Baby pick me up from school and off we went for our date after so long :D Im a happy girl ^^ we went to Ceneleisure to watch Step Up 3 finally and after that we went off to SHOP!!! That's what I've been waiting for...hehehehe Baby bought ice cream on the way :)
my sweet Baby feeding me with ice-cream
Baby dont really look happy cause he is hungry....awwww
here is what Baby been waiting for!! wanton noodles from far east plaza :)
we decide to head off to Baby's house coz Baby wanna get his hair cut :)
Love my hair band? U can get it from the shop Im working at :) look for me at The Cathay
Baby send me home after that...I'm so happy to have such a caring and sweet boyfriend :) I promised to make the effort and do anything to maintain this sweet relationship :) I love you Baby



I forgot when I took this with Baby...HEHE but do enjoy the photos k? Sorry for the super late update :( Im blogging while working at The Cathay now....sad life isnt it?
5 months and still counting on....our L.O.V.E. will last forever my Baby
I love you



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy bumber me~!

Sorry readers :(
I am currently busy with my assignments, projects, tests and I shall update my blog officially after my exams k? Continue to support my blog k?
